Well, this is a question only the business owner can answer. However,
the answer is generally YES! if you don't do it, your competitor is
going to, and snatch your market share away.
My products and services can't really sell online,
Whoever was in yellow pages yesterday, will need to have a website
today. Corporate’s need a website, as does a small business, retailer,
restaurant, lawyer, accountant, dentist, insurance agent, property
agent, and even plumbers need a website.
If you don't have a website, when I do a search using a search engine,
your peers that own a website will get the business, not you.
Something great about internet is, it is a levelled battle field for
you to play with the big guy.
You are always just a click away from the big guy to win their
business over.
A well designed, properly crafted marketing message on your website
can reflect a professional image on your small operation. A website
should be the best friend of any small business. It is your PR agency,
your advertising board, your marketing manager, your recruitment firm,
and much more.
Getting yourself onto the internet has been the most important thing
for any business in the recent years. Without putting yourself on the
internet, means you are losing prospective business, losing your
market share, failing to generate new leads, and when all your
competitors are up on the internet, where will your business be?
Here is 5 quick answer of why,
- It is cheaper that advertising and it stays there almost
- You can use the website to interact with your customer.
- It is a trend today where people will search on the web before
they make up their mind about the purchasing decision.
- It gives you far better reach to the customer that is outside of
your local area.
- It is easier to get people to visit your website and understand
about your business, than pick up their phone or visit your store
My name is Julie, I live with my family in uk.
However, my location is irrelevant thanks to the World-Wide-Web.
I offer professional web design services. I am self taught website
designer. I first started updating a site made for me using
'Contribute - Adobe'. I then moved on to using Dreamweaver.
I found this software mind boggling and felt I had to get more
training to use this software to its maximum capabilities. So I
enlisted a personal one-to-one Dreamweaver expert, who not only
educates people on a one-to-one basis but runs local adult education
training courses in a variety of web tools and software. It is during
these training session that I was taught how to optimise sites for
Google rankings and optimum flow of traffic to my websites. Basically
' How to Give Google what it wants'.
For my web design I use either templates or design them from scratch.
Depending on what an individual requires.
I offer reasonably priced professional web design services ranging
from single page web presence and medium sized professional sites.
I offer services where
- you can maintain your website yourself after design is
- maintenance service to already designed sites.
- I can design, host and maintain all in one
- All options can be tailor made to your requirements offering
and charging no more than is required for your needs